I just heard an interesting program this morning on NPR radio that Wylie, one of the leading and largest literary agencies now putting out classics on ebook with an exclusive with Amazon Kindle. It seems the publishing world is up in arms, angry both at Wylie for getting into the ebook business and at Amazon for once again grabbing a big bite of the market. It appears that publishers are now refusing to publish authors with Wylie.
The war between publishing houses and Amazon has raged for a while now, ever since Amazon decided to get into the publishing business as well as sales. Now literary agencies are getting into the business, too. It seems that everyone wants a piece of the pie...
Apparently the literary agency disagrees with the amount of money authors make from the ebook sales and thinks they should get more, hence their emergence into the market. Of course most of the agency's authors make millions, so it doesn't affect us lowly indie authors who couldn't get a foot in the door, anyway.
Any insight into what is happening?
You are right, it doesn't seem fair. Many authors and indie publishers have worked very hard to make e-books viable alternatives in reading, and now the vultures are circling. If an author lose his or her copyright then anyone can profit from the creative labors of the author's writings. When an author has passed and their are no descendants, the royalties normally going to an author ought to be donated to a worthy cause.